Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday o' fun!

I want to start off by saying........Happy happy birthday to Aunt Pam! She is a very special person to us and I am so thankful for an Aunt who would bend over backwards for my girls! We love you Aunt Pam! :)

Today was Alexis' last T~ball game! It was sooooooooooo hot outside, but we made it through! Alexis had alot of fun playing on the Struts team....and has made alot of friends!

We had a fun day and busy day today! After the game we took the girls to the pool! Alexis was just WAY toooo excited when I told her we were going! :) It was so crowded there, but alot of fun! I love that the pool is so big and is all shallow so I dont have to worry about Alexis swimming and playing because she can touch!...and not to mention there are lifeguards keeping watch too! Alexis loves to play and swim!
Just like last year...she loved meeting new friends to play with in the water!
Lily took about 30 minutes to "warm up" to the pool idea. She sat on the side of the pool with me and watched for a little while before she was comfortable enough to go and swim. Once she felt it was okay...she was ready to go with Daddy! She splashed and laughed! She could stand she would stand up and then plop down! It was so cute watching her enjoy the water! I for sure have two water babies! :)
We all had a great time! We got a pool pass today, so we will be at the pool alot this Summer!

A storm started coming so we ended up having to leave the pool! :( So we decided to come home and get cleaned up and head to Gadsden to do some shopping! The rain cleared and we enjoyed Popeyes Chicken and shopping! {You dont have to tell my girls to eat when we are at Popeyes!}

Aunt Pam and Lily!

Aunt Pam and Alexis at her 4th birthday party!


My little T~ball girl!

Alexis and I had some "special" time together............I surprised her when we went to get our toes done! She LOVES having her toes painted! She asked if she could have pink with purple polka dots....and that is what she got! :)

This...NOW this is just SOMETHING else!!!! :)
Me...being a good and healthy Mommy, gives my daughter healthy...and nutritious applesauce to eat while we are watching Sister play ball! She was loving it!....eating it right up! :)

Well....then Pawpaw comes along to the game! AND.....guess what!! He has a sucker!......guess what was dumped and never completed being ate!?!?.....yep, the applesauce was dumped and she sure did LOVE this sucker! :)

My sweet girl before we left to go shopping! :)

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