Friday, May 31, 2013

Childhood memories and saying goodbye.........

We have had a nice and short week this week since we didnt have school or work on Monday because of Memorial Day!
We have had a lot of "goodbyes" this week. Today marked the last day of school for Alexis and Lily at Wee Care. I loaded up all of their school gear and everything since they will both be on to their new places and new adventures come Monday. Both girls said goodbye to their teachers and all of their friends before we left! It was sad to say goodbye to everyone but we are excited about our fun new places this Summer coming up!

This week was also a very sad week when I heard the news about a dear family friend passing. Rusty Cobb was such a wonderful, funny, loving person! My parents and the Cobbs have been really close friends since I was young! They are very near and dear to my heart and it was so sad to me when I heard Rusty had passed! He lived life for today and to the fullest. He never worried about tomorrow, just lived for today! He struggled his whole life with Diabetes. It is a horrible disease and it finally took him. Heaven has gained another Angel that is smiling down on us!

Tomorrow marks saying goodbye to T~ball! I cant really say I am sad about this....even though it has been a learning experience and we have survived Alexis' first experience with an organized sport! :) She has had fun during it and has met some really good friends, but I think we have learned that Alexis is more on the "creative" mind side....the dancer....the "girly girl!" :)
But, hey we tried it...and now we know! {You never know about something until you try it! :) } And....if she tells me she loves it and wants to play again....then of course I am not going to stop her! I would love for her to try Softball when she is a little older! It would bring back some really fond....great...memories from my childhood to see her out on the field playing if she so chooses!! I LOVED Softball when I played! It was one of my favorite sports!

And speaking of "childhood memories"..........Alexis, Tyler and I caught lightning bugs...or as Alexis called them "fire~flies" {which is what they are actually also called!} tonight! It was SO SO SO fun! I think Tyler and I had more fun than Alexis.....and yet Alexis kept saying over...and over..and over how much fun she had! :)
We caught a TON tonight! Our yard was full of them! Tyler and I both said that we think we caught more tonight than we ever did as a child!
One of my fondest memories was running around our house...and the open lot we have chasing them! I loved to do that growing up!
It made me smile tonight to watch Alexis having so much fun........and being so excited when she would catch one!
When we were finished.............we let them all go! Since we caught so was really neat to see them all start flying out of the container!
Ohhhh....the sweet memories!! :)

Play by Play!!
Alexis is ready to go catch them!

Trying to get it......trying to get it!! :)

And she GOT it!

Now Daddy and Alexis putting some of them in the bug container!

And look at all the ones she caught! SO proud and happy!!

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