Monday, May 13, 2013

20 months and growing!.....

Miss Lily. What can I say, she is 20 months today and going on 25 years old! She has just bloomed over this past month in every aspect! She is her own little person who is strong, determined, smart, silly, loving and beautiful! She is gaining weight because she can eat a house at every meal! :).....but as far as height....she hasnt gotten much taller. {She for sure is going to be short like me :) ...unless some magic growth spurt happens...which it might!}
Her most favorite thing to do is wear other people's shoes still! Mainly Alexis' shoes!
She has started saying pretty much everything at this point! If you ask her to repeat something....she normally does with pretty good clarity!
She is still obsessed with her fact...I think she has gotten worse with it despite me trying to break her from it! Just today, Tyler put her down from bringing her in from school. As soon as he let her down she took off running. Well, I wondered where she was going so I followed her. Well, she headed straight to her room and got her paci from her crib! Again...once she gets it she will NOT let it go! Working on breaking her of it has been tough!
Her school went ahead and moved her to the 2 year old class even though she has several months until she is 2 because they said that she is just too bored in the "baby" room. One thing is for sure...she is not a baby anymore. In fact, Tyler says {messing with her} "Lily you're a baby"...and everytime she says "no!" Then he will say "Yes, your are a baby Lily"..and she will say "No, Dop!!" {Dop...means Stop!} ha! little girls are becoming less and less little girls! Happy 20 months Lily! :)

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