Sunday, May 19, 2013

Highs and Lows...

Sometimes life just doesnt turn out as you "plan." There are not always sunny and rosie days! This weekend was kind of like that for us......but we still had a good weekend and any situation could always always be worse!
'There is always always something to be thankful for.'
We started the weekend off with rain! RAIN just seems to come ALL the time nowadays! So it came a really bad thunderstorm Friday afternoon and into the night. It rained so much that several areas were flooded. Our side yard was flooded and gushing with water! I have never seen it so full and gushing the way it was. So Saturday plans of Alexis' t~ball was cancelled....again....because of it. So, we had a lazy day at home. I cleaned house....and was disgusting so right just about the time that I was going to get a shower......our power went out! It was out until 9:00pm! So that put a damper on our we decided to get out of the house for a little while so Tyler went and bought a generator so the next time we will be prepared! :)
And then this morning..............OH this morning!
This morning was something that I hope never happens again!
I awoke this morning {before the sun was even up} at 5:00 am to Alexis screaming and crying "MOMMY!!" with the most horrific....scared...hurt scream I have ever heard! I darted straight up in bed and just went into shock mode! I took off running to her room and cut her overhead light on to see her sitting up in bed holding her face. At first I didnt see anything so I had no idea why she was screaming the way she was.........until she moved her hands.
OH MY GOODNESS! Blood was everywhere! It was gushing out of her nose and all in her mouth. She kept coughing it up and spitting it out and the more she cried...the more in gushed out of her nose. I about lost it...but I knew I had to stay calm for her because she just can not handle blood! She flips out every time she sees blood {even if it is a small amount!} She will never be a nurse or doctor!...which is okay, because some people are just not cut out for that.............and she is one of those people!
So I scream for Tyler to come in there and I grab her up and take her into the bathroom. I couldnt get it to stop....and there was so much and she was screaming and shaking. It was horrible to say the least!
At one point she looks up at me and says "Mommy, I dont know what to do!" I looked at her pitiful sad eyes and told her that she didnt have to do anything...that Mommy and Daddy were going to do everything and she just needed to stop crying and calm down.  That seemed to help her because she finally starting relaxing and calming down.
After.........I dont know how long......I got it to stop bleeding and so I got her clothes off and put her in the bathtub. She got a nice warm bath which helped her to feel better and her nose to stop bleeding. Tyler and I got everything cleaned up. {Luckily...with no stains anywhere} AND thankfully her nose........or any other part of her body wasnt broken!
I asked her what happened...and she said she decided she wanted to jump on her bed when she woke up and she tripped and hit her nose on her bed post. OH ME!
{I just wished I felt like jumping on my bed when I wake up in the mornings!........I have to drag myself up! OH the energy that she has! :) }
Needless to say, we had the little talk about how Mommy and Daddy tell you not to do things for a things like this wont happen. I know she heard my "speech"............and judging by her reaction......I think it MIGHT have sunk in?!? {hopefully it sunk in a little bit at least!}
Years from now when she is reading this post {if she ever does}....I hope she has learned from this lesson! :)

Once we finally got over that incident....we all got ready and Tyler and I headed to the Braves game! Well, we get to Georgia and it is storming really bad and somehow got we decided to do some shopping and hit a movie instead of going to the game. We were glad we didnt go because the Braves game ended up having a long rain delay!
Alexis enjoyed the day with Gran as well as going to her friend Nick's birthday party.....and Lily spent the day with Nan and Pawpaw while we were gone!
Even though the weekend didnt go as we had originally hoped/planned it well as having the horrible experience with Alexis.........we are all home right now and two little girls are tucked snugly and warm in their beds asleep and safe! That is all that really matters to me! :)

There is nothing better than having a morning snuggle with this sweet girl!

Oh my sweet...Alexis....
I took this picture of her with the paper in her nose to keep it from not bleeding. Right after I took it....she goes "Mommy, you better not laugh at that picture of me!" :)
Then  later on I told her that she could take the paper out before going to Nick's birthday party. And she goes "Okay Mommy, yeah I need to take it out so Nick will know who I am at his party!" Tyler and I just busted out laughing! :)
Then tonight when she was saying her the end before she said Amen, she goes "And Jesus, please dont let me jump on my bed anymore!"       She is sooo funny! :)

Lily thought she needed make~up on too while she was getting ready to go to Nan and Pawpaw's! :)

My beautiful girl! :)

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