Saturday, May 18, 2013

Prayers for sweet Thompson Nash Wagoner

There is the most adorably adorable sweet 6 month old baby named Thompson Nash that has been diagnosed with Cancer behind his eyes. His family and him are currently in Memphis, Tennessee at St. Jude Hospital undergoing Chemo and tests.
They have almost completed round one of Chemo and then the doctors will be doing tests to see what the Chemo has done to the tumors to decide when round 2 will start. {Hopefully the tumors have shrunk}
He has an "unknown" amount of tumors in the back of his eyes. His left eye is worse and they are hoping that they do not have to have it removed. They are thinking...right now...that his right eye will be saved because it is not as bad on that side.
I read daily about his progress and his lows. It makes my stomach ache to see the sweet pictures they show of him still smiling even though he is in so much pain and doesnt want to eat. He has been so brave and strong! I cant even imagine what Duff and Missy are going through especially with Thompson not being able to talk to them about what hurts...or what is making him upset because he is so young. On top of that their oldest son is still in Alabama because he is in school. So they are away from him....and he needs and misses his Mommy and Daddy too.
The community has reached out to this sweet family in such an amazing and huge way by fund raisers, donations, and prayers! There are soooo many prayers going out for him and his family! Please pray for this sweet baby. Pray for his Mommy and Daddy and his older brother Sam Parker too. Cancer will not win!

Sweet baby! He was given these glasses from his doctor because his vision was already bad because of the tumors...but with the Chemo too, he now really needs them!

Thompson Nash wearing his "Team Thompson" shirt..............that they have sold TONS of! I have seen these shirts a lot throughout the community and it makes me smile to see all of the support for him! I still need to get some!

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