Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Little Graduate!

{Insert tears here} {A lot of tears} My little girl has had her "first graduation"! She has officially graduated from preschool! I distinctly remember when Alexis was a baby...Tyler and I talking about her future--as far as where she might go to school etc...---and I remember thinking OH we have 5 years until then, that is so far away!
Well, I can not even believe that it is actually here! That time has come! Though she is just starting Kindergarten coming up, she will be entering a "whole new world"...the "real world"....and she is SO ready! She is SO excited!! The question I ready!?............ :)

Alexis loves her teachers! Mrs. Annette and Mrs. Beth. They have been so sweet to her!

The theme was "Superhero Graduation Party" It was decorated really cute and they served a great meal of either Spaghetti or Chicken Alfredo with Salad and rolls! Gran, Aunt Pam, Brandi, Pawpaw and Nan joined us! We had a really fun time!

Alexis was so excited to get her "Diploma!"

Alexis and some of her other graduating friends!

Avagail and Alexis! Really great friends!

As Daddy calls her....The "Caped Butterfly Bandit!"...........she is flying away! Up Up and away she goes! :)

This is what her "Diploma" said.... {insert more tears here}

And of course Lily enjoyed the end of the year party too! It was for her too! :)

Lily and Cade! She loves Cade! He is such a cutie!! :) They play so well together! Lily misses him though because she moved to the 2 yr old class and Cade is still in the other room! 

Lily making her cape!
This is SUCH a cute video! They called each "graduate" up and said something about them and then gave them their "Diploma!" I didnt get my camera on quick enough to record the beginning of what Mrs. Annette was saying about Alexis I will "recap" it...and also in case you can not hear what all she is saying about her too!
She started off by calling Alexis' name! Then Mrs. Annette said that all the teachers call Alexis their "hummingbird!"....because she is always singing...humming..and dancing! {which is SO true!!} She said Alexis is just so sweet and caring! She then said that Alexis LOVES to color. That she can color for hours and that she is so good at it also! Then Mrs. Annette said everyone is going to miss her singing and dancing! :)

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