Monday, May 6, 2013

In the Eyes

As I watch Alexis grow right before my very eyes....I am amazed daily at how much she understands things that I think she wouldnt have a clue about but then also on the other hand how she is still so naive and gullible too!
Seeing the world through someone else's eyes is a tough thing to do. To put yourself "in their shoes" during situations can be hard...especially for me to do sometimes. I need to work more on seeing the other person's perspective on issues...just for my personal gain....just to better myself, especially to hopefully be a better Mom to my girls.
 I hope Alexis and Lily will see someday how I am trying to understand their problems and situations that are just the "end of the world" for them! {at that certain time period in their life!}
 I know every child has said at one point in time to their parents that they "just dont understand!!" Well.....I hope that I can "see through their eyes"...and can offer some sort of understanding and advice when that time ever comes that their situation is just the "end of the world." :)

Two funny stories about Alexis this week where seeing "in the eyes" of an almost 5 year pretty funny!

{A little back story first} Alexis has "liked" this little boy name Colton for awhile now at her school. She has said that he is her "boyfriend!" He is a year older than her and in Kindergarten already, but he does the after school care so he is at Alexis' school in the afternoons.
Well, Friday when we were leaving the school....Colton was outside playing with the other after school care kids. Alexis was walking beside me and I tell her that she needs to tell Colton bye....and to have a good weekend. Well, as soon as I say his name she gets so flustered and embarrassed looking and starts running to my car. So when I get in the car I ask her why she acted that way. Well...she tells me "just because Mommy." So, again I ask her and tell her that she can tell me anything.
So, she says..."Well, Mommy.....the other day I decided that I dont want to marry him anymore!!" WHAT?!? :) {Oh, the drama and "love" life of a 5 year old!} ha!
So I ask her why she has decided this...and even if she has decided to not "marry" him anymore that it doesnt mean she cant be nice to him and still tell him bye when she sees him!
She goes..."Well Mommy, I just think he is bigger than me {meaning older than her} and so I dont want to anymore."
So explaining to her about how she has a long time until she needs to worry about marriage...and how she needs to be nice to boys like Colton and that it is okay though if she likes someone who is "bigger" {older} than her..I think she will now be "more comfortable" facing Colton from now on! :) the eyes of a 5 year old....this was a BIG deal, but I cant wait for her to read this post years from now and realize how "way back when" she thought "love" was difficult when she was 5! :)

And this morning she woke up before I left for work. I was putting on my work clothes and Alexis says to me......."Mommy, why do you always wear pants to work?" And so I ask her what she thinks I should wear to work and she says "You should wear shorts." I then explain to her how I am not allowed to wear shorts to my work. And she looks at me with this face like she knows exactly what she is talking about and says {as a matter of factly}..."Oh, because they will think you are wearing your bathing suit under your shorts and you will get in trouble!" ha!.................yep! So right! :)
And yet the eyes of a 5 year old this is true for the most part because she wears shorts over her bathing suits!..............but one day...OH one day, she will be in the corporate/business world and see how shorts just wont suffice! {I wish though! :) }
***On a it Winter~time or Spring/Summer time around here? I am just so confused...with it being almost the middle of May and it is 54 degrees outside! CRAZY!

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