Sunday, May 5, 2013

Laid back kind of life...

Well...the rain did come like I thought it would. We had to cancel pretty much all of our plans for the weekend, BUT we still had a great weekend though! Alexis' tee~ball game was cancelled on Saturday as well as our camping we relaxed at home before heading to Oxford to do some shopping and then we met everybody for a surprise birthday dinner for Hogan. We enjoyed eating at Outback and catching up with Hogan's side of the family as well as our side.
Today was a little bit warmer...and only rained a little bit compared to yesterday! We tried out a new church this morning...First Baptist Church of the Williams. We really enjoyed it, but we will have to try it again because the preacher didnt preach today. I am really hoping we like the preacher because everything else felt like a place that we could really grow as a family if we join there. So...we shall see. I am really hoping we find a place because I am really wanting to join a church soon because we have been searching for awhile now. I really want to get our family settled into a church family! We had a great lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi before heading home for the long needed Sunday afternoon naps! We have had a laid back kind of weekend!
Now....onto the week to come! We are into the first week of May and I have to say..May is lookin' good! :)

My girls LOVE the mannequins at Old Navy! If you look at past will see several pictures of them with the mannequins! BUT....oh BUT...Lily tried her hardest to get out of my arms to run to this dog! She is obcessed to say the least with dogs...and she just fell in love with this one! She didnt want to leave it! She even tried to get on it and ride it like a horse! 

Happy birthday to Hogan! We had TWO cakes!! And...Alexis was just loving to make silly faces in the pictures! :)

Love this little sassy girl!

And this one too!.... :)

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