Friday, May 17, 2013

Finally the end of the week

This is the first day of the week that we didnt have anything going on.....and usually on Friday is THE day to do something!
T~ball practice was moved to Monday night which worked out because we thought we were going to have to miss since Alexis' graduation was Tuesday.
Wednesday Alexis had her last night of Awanas! She got her end of the season certificate! She has done so well and has really enjoyed going to it. She is going to miss it over the summer but maybe we can be at the community center pool now instead so that should make up for it! :)

Thursday we went with Daddy while he hit some golf balls! In the next couple of weeks starts his work Golf games that he has decided to play!

A very sweet moment happened while us girls were watching him hit balls. Lily and Alexis decided they wanted  to pick flowers {which was actually weeds} {but nonetheless} for me! Well...for whatever reason, I have no idea why....Lily passed two "batches" of the flowers {weeds} and kept going to this one spot that was far away. She would ran as fast as her little legs would let her {which if you havent seen Lily are missing out!! is for sure very funny and adorable!} to get the flowers. Then she would run back {with a couple of getting tripped up and falling involved...she would pop herself right back up and not miss a beat!} to me and hand me the flowers! She would look up at me with the most precious expression on her face of "Mommy, I worked so hard to pick these for you!" Then she would turn around and run back to get more! Each time she would come running up to me she would be huffing and puffing! It was one of those things that I guess you would just have to be there to understand how she was.......but it melted my heart for sure! You just never know where some of your most precious memories/moments could come from! :)
So, now it is the weekend...and since we have been going ....going...tonight is niiiice to just sit still and relax!

This was the type of flower the girls were picking for me! :) Now every time I see these in the grass, I can smile and think of sweet Lily!
White clover with characteristic white leaf markings.

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