Sunday, May 12, 2013

Roughing it and Mother's Day!

Roughing it?! Is that what Tyler and I did this weekend when we went camping?! Well...for us to be "roughing" it out in the woods with a tent and no running water or a toilet, I have to say we were in a "5 star resort" of a camping spot! :)
Tyler and I loaded up Saturday morning and headed to Piedmont to camp out! We didnt care that there was a 50% chance of rain! We were determined/excited to go especially since it got rained out the weekend before! You should have seen Tyler's truck loaded down with everything.under.the.sun! Tyler thought of EVERYTHING for our one night trip! I have to say, I was VERY impressed! :) We had such a great time together out in the middle of no where! We neither one had a watch or we didnt even know what the time was all day yesterday! was sooo nice! I really love how Tyler and I enjoy spending time together. We really do just have a great time together no matter where we are! I am very thankful to have a husband that I can relax and know that he knows how to handle things and get things done! I feel very safe when he is around! :) We had a nice relaxing time together!
With it being Mother's Day today, it was a great one! We enjoyed our day with both Nan and Gran to make Mother's Day complete.
Alexis never ceases to crack me up! She asked me if I had a great Mother's Day? And...I said yes, I sure did! And she goes....well "Mommy, when is it going to be kid day? since you have had your Mommy's day?" I had to inform her that everyday is "kid's Day!" :)
I am sooo very blessed to know that God chose me to be Lily and Alexis' Mommy! I dont know what I have done to deserve these two most beautiful little girls, but I am so thankful! I always "thought" I knew what being a Mommy was about--when I didnt have kids---but now that I am, my world has changed! Some days--well most days---I feel I have no clue what I am doing-- but just having them lay their head on my shoulder or seeing them smile makes me think that I may be doing something right! They wear me out and make me laugh more than anything I have ever been faced with! I can not wait to keep being their Mommy and watching them grow into beautiful Moms one day themselves! :)

Alexis' first "battle wound!!" She had her first "boo-boo" at her T~ball game Friday night! Alexis played so well Friday! She hit the ball good every time and even hustled to get the ball when it was hit to her. {Even though the ball went right through her legs one time!} ha! You would think that the cut on her nose was from her playing so good during the game! is actually from her turning her hat all the way around her head..{being silly}...and a little boy {Hudson}on her team started doing that too....while the game was going on....and then he decided to take his hat off and throw it. Well, guess where the hat went?! It scrapped her nose! Go figure right! :)
----but if anybody asks her what happened to her nose-----she was really diving really hard to catch a line drive that was coming at her and she cut her nose somehow as she dove and caught the ball! ;)

Welcome to The Hotel Grand Camping Resort! Welcome...welcome! :)
We had such a great time! Our tent was really spacious! It rained on us for about 30 minutes...but have no fear, at the five star camping resort....we watched a movie on Tyler's computer while it rained! The rain stopped and it was a beautiful afternoon/night after that! I got a little chilly during the night, but never cold!

Tyler is setting up the Scrabble board! Yep, we played Scrabble! Tyler and I have always enjoyed playing this against each other--even in College! I am really....REALLY bad at Scrabble, but I like to play him! We HAVE to carry around a Dictionary where ever we take Scrabble because we are constantly challenging each other!! :)

We shot "Turkey!!" I never got the bullseye...but Tyler did! I am proud I at least hit the box! And....this out here was also the "toilet" too! was 5 star....but no toilet! :)

I had to take a picture of this! Tyler's Turkey CRACKS me up! ha! We went over to another part of the land later on and sat in a blind to see some real Turkies. We didnt see any, but we did see alot of Dove. Tyler and I shot a couple of birds!

We enjoyed a 5 star dinner for sure! Tyler cooked us some steaks {which were SO good!} and we had potato salad and baked beans! He even cooked us some scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast! Again....he thought.of.everything!!

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