Thursday, May 9, 2013

Big News and Sneak peeks!

I dont think I have sat down all week thus far! We have been going and going!
Tuesday was a BIG day in Jacksonville. I was really torn on who to cheer for because Auburn came to play JSU in baseball! I really never thought Auburn and JSU would play each other.....just because Auburn is a much bigger college, but they did! Tyler and I enjoyed a small "date" night watching JSU pretty much dominate the whole game! I ended up leaving early because Gran was watching the girls so I needed to get home...on top of the fact that it was FREEZING at the game! It is MAY....MAY and still cold outside! I just cant get over it! My feet were frozen at the game! I found myself cheering for the gamecocks over Auburn. {even though I do LOVE my Auburn Tigers!!} When I left the game JSU was beating Auburn 6 to 0. Well, Tyler told me that by the end of the game Auburn came back and won! So I have to say, Auburn won {which I am happy for} but it is BIG news for JSU to play so hard against a much bigger college!

Now onto bigger news of the week! Alexis had her mini ballet recital {practice} and got her ballet costume! Tyler got to enjoy watching Alexis preform her recital ballet routine at her school. I didnt get to go because I had to work! :( Daddy said she did SO good amidst the chaos of "dancing" :) I cant wait to see my cute little ladybug at her recital!

And MORE big news! Alexis had her T~ball pictures today! It was SO hot outside! {Isnt it crazy that one day/night it is freezing....and then a day or so later I sweat to death outside!!}....anyways my little girly girl t~baller was sooo cute with her team!

And now the biggest news of the week......Tyler and I decided that starting in June, Alexis will be doing the summer camp at the Jacksonville Community Center and Lily is going to move to a new daycare at the United Methodist Church. We are sad we are leaving Wee Care because we love there...but we are excited about the new change! Stay tuned for our new adventures at our new places!.......
Well, tomorrow is Friday! Whoo~hoo!! Alexis has a t~ball game tomorrow  night....and then this weekend is Tyler and my camping trip! I am doing another rain dance so that it doesnt rain! :)

Sneak  peek of Alexis in her ballet costume! A little ladybug! She is SO proud of her Dance medal she received! She has worn it everyday since she has gotten it!

Beautiful little ladybug!

Miss T~ball girl! :)

The Struts Team!

And just because I have posted alot of pictures of Alexis, I thought I would throw one in of my other child! :) prove I do have another cute little girl! :)

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