Monday, May 27, 2013

A child less Memorial Day

We have really enjoyed our long Memorial Day weekend! And....not to mention, this is the first weekend in weeks that it hasnt rained! :)

Yesterday we enjoyed church and then we had everybody on my side over last night for yet another one of Tyler's famous Fish frys! He had to cook alot of fish since there were 15 of us! {He even "took one for the team"... when he burned his leg on some of the hot grease while he was cooking} :(
We enjoyed sitting out on our back deck and catching up with everybody while we ate a ton of food.

Alexis got a "wild hair" to come up and beg me to let her go home with La La and Meagan and Mallory for the rest of the weekend! Since I was off today that meant she had to spend two nights with them! {She is in Heaven!!} Alexis has never been the girl to EVER cry and want to stay at home, so she was SO excited when she had her bag packed and was ready to go!

It has felt weird for me....and Lily today without "Sissy" home. Poor Lily just didnt know what to do really without having her big sister around. ALL day she has said "Sissy go?".............."Sissy??" :(
She loves her Sister! :)

Today Lily and I had special time together {just us} since Alexis was gone and Tyler played golf with Pawpaw.  I really cherish the time to have some "one on one" time with just her to let her know how much I love her!
We went over to Nan and Pawpaw's this afternoon because Pawpaw cooked out for us and it was nice to sit out on their deck and eat with them and Brandi!
Now......back to work tomorrow! :(

Yes,  Alexis + Meagan, Mallory and La La + the sun + the pool = Heaven! :)

Meg and Alexis enjoying the pool!!

Lily got to enjoy a "special" drink from our favorite place...Sonic, since she was our "only" child today!

Lily loved playing on Nan's Piano! She is a natural! :)

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