Saturday, May 25, 2013

Big Sister....Little Sister!

Have I mentioned how much Lily loves to do every.single.thing that her big sister does! Did I mention that Lily wants to have every.single.thing that her big sister has because it is WAY more cool than what she has! Well, if I havent mentioned that....well all of the above is true!
Lily loves her big sister! I just love to watch Lily follow everything .....every move....whatever it is...that Alexis is doing and then tries to copy it!
Lily is getting really good now of calling Alexis "Sissy!" too! When she wants Alexis to come to where she is, or anything she will say "Sissy!" It just melts my heart!
We enjoyed a beautiful...sunny and warm day today! It is so great to just get to be outside and have fun....with not a care in the world! We played outside nearly all day! The girls LOVED to say the least..LOVED playing in the water! Both of my girls are water babies for sure! We had such a great day and looking forward to the rest of the weekend since I am off Monday! WHO HOO!! It is Memorial Day weekend, which kicks off Summer for everybody! We are for sure kicking off Summer with a great start!

Lily is ready to go and play in the water!! {I could just eat her up! :) }

 Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her "surfing!!" ha!

Lily had WAY too much fun with this thing! ha!

Little Sister is never far behind Big Sister!! {This makes me smile!}
The girls just having fun! :)

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