Thursday, May 2, 2013

Throwback Thursday! ~ 10 year reunion! is that time. JSU has already graduated!.............the rest of the colleges and high schools are coming up soon! Summer is rounding the corner! WHOO HOO!! In honor of all the graduations coming up I thought for a "Look back in time" should be mine and Tyler's 10 year reunion!
Tyler and I both graduated from Saks High on May of 2000! We were in the same graduating class!
It is hard to believe how fast time has flown that our 10 year reunion has already come and gone! I remember thinking that everybody there was going to be so surprised that Tyler and I were married! {who didnt already know}.....since we didnt date in high school!
We had a great reunion! We met on a Friday night before a home football game and enjoyed some snacks and drinks before we headed over to the game! We were introduced out on the field during half~time! Talk about a rush of old memories that came flooding back while I was there! All of the cheer leading practices, football games on that field! It was so nice to sit with everybody who came during the game and catch up with them!
Saturday afternoon we met back at the little community center for a very nice dinner and more catching up! There were more people that were able to come Saturday, so it was nice to see everybody!

The year was 2010 ~ our 10 year high school reunion!

All of the girls are sooo special to me! We go WAY back when with each other! :) ....and Kelly Friday night before the football game!

Saturday night during the dinner! My sweet~heart {even though not high~school} and me!

Amber E and her husband...Tyler and I ...and Kelly Mac and her husband!

The class of 2000!

AND TALK ABOUT OLD!!.......found this little treasure! It was just a random picture with a friend at the time! :) Our graduation~ 2000!

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