Friday, June 7, 2013

Full swing and exhausted!

Well, we have had our first full week at our new places and the 1st week of June is under our belt! We made it! WHOO HOO!..........but we are exhausted! :)
This week we have had alot on our plates and it has worn  me out! ha! The girls have absolutely loved their fun activities this week.

Lily loves her new school and her new friends. She is in the 2 year old class {and she doesnt turn two until September}....but she can hang with them no problem! Jennifer {the Director} said she was kind of worried about Lily at first since she was so much younger than the other friends in her class, but one day she was in the room and one of the little boys was trying to get something from her and she pointed that little finger at him and said no! she knew then that she could hold her own in there and would be just fine! :) Tyler told me the other day....that she looks so tiny compared to the others in her class. {And she is!...they are SO much bigger than her! :)}
This week she has loved music time, putting puzzles together, playing in the gym and on the playground, water day and picnic day with popsicles! :)

Alexis has had a GREAT time at Summer Camp! She went Monday to the Community Center to their Summer Camp. {she will be going there full time in July}. She LOVED there because they swam in the pool!
Then the rest of the week and the rest of June she has been going with her friend Walker and Mrs. Becca to Alexandria Elementary school's Summer Camp! She has seen the fire truck...the ambulance and has had computer days and water days this week. The ice cream truck came one day...and today they went to Birmingham to the McWayne Center! She has had SO much fun!

Tonight we had her rehearsal for her Ballet recital tomorrow! She was such a beautiful Ladybug tonight while she practiced her dance! :)

Highlights of our week:

Monday...Alexis came in the Kitchen to me and said that she "braided" her own hair {Tyler put the rubber band in} I think she did a great job "braiding"............even though it was a bunch of twists and knots! :) {Hey nothing like a little practice to eventually make it perfect! :) }

Tuesday: Lily was eating SO good.........then all of a sudden...I look over and she is throwing all of her carrots off of her plate!! As she was throwing them one by one she would say "ball!" She would throw one as she said "ball!"...then throw another and said  "ball!" again and crack up laughing at herself because she thought what she was doing was SO funny! {Never a dull moment around here!!}
This week has been a learning curve for Alexis! She has realized that she likes naps :)
95% of the time..every night Alexis will sing for about 30 minutes in her bed before she falls asleep once we put her to bed! We can hear her in the living room singing anything from a Christmas Jesus loves me to something else before she finally falls asleep!
Well...this week...NOTHING! She has been out like a light every.single.night this week! Summer Camp is wearing her out! :)

I went in to check on her Wednesday afternoon in her room..and I see this! She said that all of her friends wanted to watch Wreck it Ralph movie with her! SOOOO precious! :)

Alexis LOVES computer time at Summer Camp! She loved playing on the computer Thursday! :)

Field trip day to the McWayne Center in Birmingham! Alexis was SO excited about going! I think she was just SO excited that she was going to get to ride the school bus! Mrs. Becca said they had so much fun! She sent me some pictures throughout the day of Alexis and Walker having fun!

Alexis and her good friend Walker! {The old married we call them!} :)

And Friday night..........Rehearsal night! Anna and Alexis before their dance!

My beautiful Ladybug!

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