Sunday, June 9, 2013

We're baaaack!!

If you need us this will need to call 1-800-Jvillepool to reach us! :)

Nothing better than Church Sunday and then pool time! It was very overcast today so we enjoyed playing at the pool without having to worry about getting a bad sunburn! We LOVE the pool! Alexis loves the fact that she never knows who is going to be at the pool when we get there!...but there is always someone there she knows! Today she played with her friends Sydney, Cayce and Carson!

Lily was busy telling everybody "mine!" who would try and come up and play with her and her toys! :) OH ME!!

Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her making up her on "pose!"

And this was Lily this morning! OH ME!...........between her teething {She is cutting both her top K9 teeth, which are the worst teeth to cut} and the terrible twos kicking in.........I want to pull my hair out! :)
*I love you Lily! :)

And just look at this face she can make! :)

I said Lily Grace Law {when I use the full name to both girls...that means I MEAN business!} you better stop making that face and be a sweet girl!---her expression changed some! :)

But OH she was a happy girl at the pool with Daddy!

My view for the afternoon!

Alexis loves swimming!

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