Sunday, June 30, 2013

How many times....

How many times does it take to get a "good" picture....of everyone looking....and smiling??

apparently never! :)

But OH HOW I do try! :)

Take 1: .................nope!

Take nope again!

Take 3:............for SURE nope! Lily was not having it by take 3! :)

I am sooooo excited about today! Today we joined First Baptist Church Williams! We have been visiting there for about a month or so and everytime we go we just became more and more happy and continued to get that "feeling" that this was the place for us! Everybody is just SO nice and loving! Today I think I got more hugs than I have gotten my whole 31 years! :)

We are so excited about our new Church family! We can not wait to have Alexis and Lily grow and learn there! After a long time of searching....{And trust me we have visited ALOT of churches, and none fit!}..........we have finally found the Church for us! SO thankful!! :)

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