Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Alexis' special day!

Today is finally here! The day Alexis has been waiting on forever! Every.single.one. of her friends have already turned 5 {so she thinks} except her..............but FINALLY today she is 5!

I remember thinking when she was born that her turning 5 was just SO far away!..........well I just can not get over how fast time has flown! It really does seem like yesterday that she was born and we were bringing her home from the hospital!

She has grown into such a beautiful, funny, smart, sassy, determined, strong, and loving little girl! She is such a great big sister to Lily too! She has done really well adjusting to having a sister! Alexis is really good about sharing and looking out for Lily too.

She is such a quick thinker too. She can come up with a funny comeback to something all the time! For example.........things Tyler says to her, she has a comeback back to him right back! She keeps us laughing!

She loves....loves...loves to sing and dance! She never..........and I mean never stops singing and dancing! Her own teachers call her their "Hummingbird!" :)

I am so blessed to have seen her grown in these 5 years and can not wait to see how much more she keeps growing and becoming more beautiful both inside and out!

I did a "birthday banner surprise" with the balloons too from her birthday party out in front of her door.....so this morning she would wake up and be surprised on her special day!

about 20 minutes of me getting finished doing it {with her asleep in her room}....a little girl comes walking into the living room saying "Mommy, what is all of this stuff in front of my door?!" haha!!....she woke up and came out of her room because she had to go to the bathroom! So........she got to see her "birthday banner surprise" the night before! :)

She wanted me to take a picture of her in front of it doing her "Beauty pose"....like the girls/models off of the Price is Right! {She loves watching those girls!}

This morning...she got to have birthday cake for breakfast! {Hey...you only turn 5 once ;) } And...she picked out a birthday card for herself yesterday at Winn Dixie! OH ME!...........she said that everybody should get them-self a birthday card! ha! {She also told Tyler that she wanted a kitten like this!} {Me too! :) }

Because today is her birthday......she picked out everything she wanted to wear {from head to toe} and told me how she wanted her hair to be....so I braided it in a side braid just like she requested!

She looks soooo grown up! :(

Daddy and Alexis eating with their chopsticks! She wanted to go eat "Chinese"...which it really is Japanese...but it is really all the same! :) This is her favorite place to eat! She LOVES the soup and the Hibachi chicken with mushrooms! After dinner...per her request...was to go to the park, but she said that she was just too tired after Summer Camp today to go.................so she picked out a "birthday" movie out of Redbox to watch at home! I think she had a pretty good birthday day! :)

Of course Lily thinks she can do anything.and.everything. that Alexis can! So she had to eat with chopsticks too! :)

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