Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July! Yesterday was Independence Day! It was really nasty all day with rain and kind of chilly {especially for JULY!!} we didnt do much but relax and watch movies until it was time to head to Gran's to cook~out and then watch fireworks at Oxford Lake.

We had a great time watching the fireworks even though we were covered in blankets the whole time!

Daddy reading a story to Lily while we were waiting to go to the fireworks

Everybody getting some food!

The girls and Aunt Pam

Lily with her flag and her "sparkles" she called them! :)

And.........Alexis with her flag and "sparkles!"

The girls waiting on the fireworks!

Gran Ben and Alexis!

Us........... {I dont know why this picture will not turn the correct way...but I like it!}

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