Sunday, July 28, 2013

Laid back

We had a low~key weekend since we had so much going on this past week!

Saturday was an overcast kind of we just relaxed at home! We bought some much needed outside patio we enjoyed the afternoon outside jumping on the trampoline, swinging, relaxing on the new furniture...and Daddy grilled out hamburgers.When he was finished grilling...we decided to have a picnic outside on our new furniture and enjoyed eating our hamburgers. We even rolled Lily's highchair on the deck so she could eat her hamburger comfortably! :)  It was a laid back kind of night! Even on the nights when there isnt alot going on.....doesnt mean we cant make little fun special memories together!

Sunday we enjoyed Church followed by our usual Sunday afternoon naps! When Lily woke up we decided to go to the pool to spend the rest of the afternoon! Now....relaxing again before another fun...BIG week ahead! {My first week at JSU}   :)

My kind of weekend............. so nice! :)

My beauties! :) LoooOOOOOoove them! :)

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