Saturday, July 13, 2013

Busy busy!

We have had a great and busy weekend so far....and we still have tomorrow left!
Last night we were invited to our new friend's house to cook out. We had a great time and met alot of couples with kids! There were alot of people there! The Frits know how to throw a cook out! :) Carrie even hired a baby~sitter to watch all of the kids! {And there were alot of kids!} I am very thankful that we are meeting more and more people in Jacksonville!.....especially with them having kids the same age as the girls!

Today we had the Morgan Family Reunion at Oxford Lake. My grandmother, Nannie's Mom's side of the family! {Talk about confusing!} would be my Great Grandmother's Family....she had 4 other brothers and sisters. So it was all of them and their kids...and their kids kids!! There were alot of people there! I knew a good bit of them....and remembered alot of faces, but there were a good bit there that I had never seen before! :) The Oxford Lake was packed with people playing at the park and feeding the ducks and swimming....but we had a room in the Civic Center where it was nice and cool! We all enjoyed catching up....and taking alot of pictures! :)

Caylie and Lily with Hayley {the baby~sitter! :)}
I am soooo excited about these girls being friends and hopefully growing up together!

Love that all of these girls have fun together! {Carli is carrying Lily} haha!

This picture CRACKS me up! We went to eat lunch and I looked down and saw this on Lily's feet! She put her flip flops on all by herself!! TOOOO funny! Her flip flops are on the wrong foot and the middle part is in between the wrong toes! :) {But hey.....she did get them on all by herself!}

Mal, LaLa and the girls!

Some of the "crew"

More of the "crew"    The "chart" to break it down! :    
 My great grandmother was Estelle {and her 4 other brothers and sisters with their families and kids!}
                       Estelle had Nannie {my grandmother} and Wayne and Bobbi {with their kids there!}
                      and then Nannie had Mom { Lana and Pam}~ with their families there
               and then Me {and my little family!}
and not everybody was there too! :)
 This is everyone eating! There were alot of people there...and like I said earlier...there were alot not there also!

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