Friday, July 12, 2013

Lily is 22 months!

She is getting closer and closer to 2 by the day! Tomorrow Lily will be 22 months! I know I say this in every "monthly" update I do on her.........but she has really bloomed!

She is just learning and growing so fast! Her favorite song that she hums alot is "Twinkle Twinkle little Star!' She knows the words if I sing it with her...........and she will say the next word that comes next, but when she is just by herself she just hums it! It is so precious to hear her humming! :) I have tried and tried to video her doing it............but of course, she stops doing it as soon as I press record!

She is still a lover of her paci and her stuffed Giraffe! She cant go to sleep without both!

 She is also saying sentences now! Several weeks ago she would say just one word responses...for example..."Up!" she says "I want up!"

She knows pretty much every animal that you show her...and says what sound they make! My favorite is to hear her say what the owl sound is! :)

She is still obsessed with the movie Bolt! We have about worn that poor movie out watching it so much! Even Alexis enjoys watching it. It has become our "after school" ritual to do now when we get home while I cook dinner!

She also can point out who everybody is by name now too! It is so cute to hear her say names! She also now says "I Lily!" :)

Now, some of the "not so fun" that she does! She is little miss stubborn! WHOOO WEE!!....if she doesnt want to do something....she will NOT do it! She can hold strong with her little "two year old" fits like a champ! :) She is already in the 2 year old class...and learning and doing SO well in there, but also they have rubbed off on her too! :)
For example this morning...........she wanted down and didnt want to drink any of her milk at breakfast. I told her "Lily, you have to drink a drink of milk before you can get down." Well, she says "No, down." So, I ask her...."Do you want to go play with Sissy?" Of course she says "Yes!" So, I said "Okay, well if you want to go play then you have to get a drink" She said "No" So she sat there in the chair for about 15 minutes until she finally gave in and drank some milk so she could get down! {Talk about holding strong!}

She still loves and tries to do everything.single.thing. that Alexis does! It is just not cool to Lily until Sister has it or is doing it! :) {We have had some fights because of this sometimes}

She loves to dance too! It is sooooooooo cute to watch her do her little moves! She has her own "style" of dancing! She will bend her arms and move them up and down while she bobs her head back and forth! Even though she is "stubborn"..........she is the happiest, most sweet little thing and I am so grateful God chose me to be her Mommy!
 Happy 22 months Lily! :)

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