Thursday, July 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday!~Our honeymoon!

Tyler and I have a very special day coming up!.........our 8 year anniversary! :) 8 years!! WOW! :)

So in honor of our Anniversary.....this week's "Look back in time" is..........

Our honeymoon! :)

The year was July ~ 2005!

We both were 23 years old!...............{young and in love!} haha!

We jetted off to New Orleans {Tyler's very first time to ever fly!! :) }... to board Carnival Cruise ship for a week long cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel! We had SUCH a great time! We did nothing but relax, sleep late, hang out with friends we made, shop, tan, do fun excursions, get my hair braided :), swim with Sting Rays and EAT!! :)

The ship had certain dinner times....and so at our "assigned table...and time to eat"....they put us with 3 other "honeymoon" couples! It was fun to meet them...and see where they all were from! We hung out with them too when we got off the ship!

In Jamaica.....we did a kayak excursion to a private Island where the Corona beer commercials were shot! {I will NEVER kayak with Tyler after that! We had to go a long ways...and I was wondering why it was so hard for us to I look back and Tyler was making me paddle by myself! He was just sitting back making me do all of the work!} Talk about beautiful on the Island! After that we went to Jimmy Buffet's "Margaritaville!" That was an experience! :) That was the "hangout" spot and it was cool to be somewhere where Jimmy Buffet hangs out and owns! It was sooo crowded, but we had a great time....except for me!....well I did.........but by the time we were there was about the same time that my head started hurting because I got my hair braided by an authentic Jamaican woman! She did a great job! I had a thousand tiny braids! Looooong story short........the lady behind the information desk on the Cruise ship did not have fun cutting them all out of my head the next morning because I was not allowed to have "sharp objects"....such as scissors on the ship! {And I was bound and determined to have the braids out...because my head hurt SO bad!} Needless to say....I thought Tyler might be not wanting to stay married to me after that experience with my hair because he was nervous that 'Jamaican men' were out to get us because he "stiffed" the braid lady because she tried to "rip me off!" :) Oh me...the memories! :)

In Cozumel we just did alot of shopping because that Port is known for the best shops! We also enjoyed lunch at a "real" Mexican restaurant there! It was for sure authentic Mexican food! Tyler loved it.......but me being me, the picky eater....thought it was okay! :)

Grand Cayman was my FAVORITE! I am still wanting to go back there sometime! Grand Cayman and the Bahamas are by far my most favorite spots I have been on!
The ocean water at the Cayman Islands was just breathtaking! It was sooooo clear and blue! We loved there! They had the cutest little shops and the area was just clean and so nice! We did a Sting Ray excursion there! It was amazing! We took a yacht out to the middle of the ocean! It just happened to have a sand bar out in the middle of nowhere! We anchored down there and all got out in the water. Next thing I comes the Sting Rays!! It was sooo cool to see them swimming around us! We got to bend down and pet them! of the worker people lifted up one of them and put it on my back! It had suctions! It felt like the Sting Ray was massaging my back! We got an awesome picture of us with a HUGE one behind us! We were sad our honeymoon was over.....time always flies when you are having fun! :)

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