Friday, July 26, 2013

History in the making....

There has been A LOT...and I mean a HUGE amount of things happening this week that must be marked down in the History books!

The Headliner is:

Today marked the LAST day of me driving to Birmingham {for work, that is!} and working at Cahaba. My very sweet Co~workers threw a surprise going away party today for me! Complete with a cake, food, drinks and a very sweet card! :) They went WAY above and beyond....and it was SO nice of them! I am really going to miss them!

The cake was SO good!

The cards were SO sweet!

KIM!!...I am SO going to miss her! She was SO sweet....she took me to lunch to our favorite place...Don Pepe!

Another one down in the History books!!..........Tyler and my 8 year Anniversary! :) We celebrated by having dinner at Effinas and grocery shopping! :) {We are wild! :) } 
**We noticed we both have on green! I told him...that I guess when you hit our ages..and years married, we started dressing like "Nannie and Hogan!" ....because they always have matching colored outfits! ;)

This is BIG! :) I have done alot of fun paintings when I lived in Birmingham!....and to me...NONE of them have been "worthy" enough to be shown except one!...only one out of A LOT of times going!...Well Rebecca and I went the other night for "Christmas in July!" We painted this really cute Rudolph! I am SO proud of it! MARK it down!! :) I am actually going to keep this one! In fact...Alexis saw it and said I did a really good job...and that she wants to put it in her room at Christmas! :)

Sweet soon to be King is born! This is so cool to me that I got to see baby Prince George born. William and Kate..Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in England are such a nice couple! They are mine and Tyler's it is so neat to see them have a Royal baby!.....that is more than likely going to be King one day! :) I cant wait to watch him grow up! :)

And...last BUT not LEAST! :) Mustang Sally Misty is getting married!! I have prayed for her Prince Charming to come and sweep her away...and March 22, 2013 Brandon is going to and they are going to live happily ever after! I am SOOOO excited for them and can NOT wait until their wedding!

Mark all of these fun...happy, events DOWN in the History books.....because they are all worth remembering! :)

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