Sunday, July 21, 2013

And the winner is....

We had our first experience with a babysitter last night! Usually the girls stay with family when we are needing a "babysitter".........but last night went so well!

 Tyler and Pawpaw were in a Golf tournament for the JSU Gamecock Club out at Cane Creek yesterday and they WON! Yep, that's right.......big winners! Tyler, Pawpaw, Larry Crozler and another guy Norace all played really well! They were "honored" last night at the dinner and got a 50 dollar gift certificate! I got to go with the big winner to the dinner they had. We had a great time and the food was all the way from Mobile!

While we were having a great time....two little girls were having fun with Miss Haley!..or aka..."Hay Hay!" She is a beautiful girl and is just so sweet and nice! She did such a great job with them and they had SO much fun with her! They played games, and watched cartoons..and when we got home, Alexis had her hair braided! :) Alexis said that she "can't wait for Miss Haley to come back over to play!"

Today was the usual Sunday routine....Church, lunch, running errands, and afternoon naps! nice!.....and much needed after a long week and weekend! :)

Lily before Church!
{You will need to excuse the hair band......I just TRIED it on to see how small it was on her....and she refused to take it off!} :)  She made it all the way to the door of her room at Church before I got a hold of it and got it off.........she didnt have time to "react" about me taking it off! :)

She kept pointing and smiling at all the animals on it! :)

Miss Alexis while we were running some errands!

This is a great way to keep them entertained while we go grocery shopping! :)

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