Monday, July 22, 2013

Not so fun day....

I always dread this day!.......especially knowing how I would have MUCH rather been enjoying my 5 year wedding anniversary than having to go through what I did on this day 3 years ago. It doesnt seem like it has already been 3 years! Time really does fly!

I am so thankful...though...that I am to the point to where I can smile today knowing that a very...very...special Angel that is watching over and guiding me. I love and miss my Dad everyday! I would give anything to get to have one more of his special loving hugs!....but, God has other plans than we do. It was my Dad's time to meet them in Heaven. It is not our is not my Dad's time, it is God's path and timing on when it is our time to go.

I am sooo thankful, and can still remember every detail vividly of the last time I saw my Dad. I dont think I will ever forget it. There are sooo many events and things that happened {that I wont all get into} over the course of the days before and after my Dad's death, that still give me goosebumps when I think about it. When my Dad called me at the last minute and wanted to meet Tyler, Alexis and me for dinner....I changed my plans that I already had and met him and my Mom. Little did I know that the Mexican dinner and hug from him would be the last.

He is so missed here...but I do know that he is smiling down on me and SO happy seeing me and his beautiful granddaughters! We love you Pops!

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