Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Following God's Path

As I sit here writing this post.......I am filled with a ton of emotion. As I look back at my life and see kind of where the "puzzle pieces" are fitting now, is just so amazing to me!

As I have traveled down God's path he has chosen for me......I have grown and learned and experienced SO much! So many great memories and experiences...but dont get me wrong...I have had some really tough and hard times throughout my journey too! During the "bumps" in the road of my life....I have wondered why God has put these obsticals in my way?....why did this happen to me?.....what did I do to deserve this?....why was I not good enough to get that job I soooo felt was right for me?....the questions go on and on!

But as I look back on those questions I have asked myself so many times...I can see now why some of those certain events have happened only to help guide me down God's path in the direction that I am suppose to be on.

God never promises the journey will be easy.....he just says to have faith and he will guide you down the path you are meant to be on!

I have learned and grown so much in my 31 years....and I know that I have alot more growing and learning to do as well. Chapters in my life have been written and completed....and now a new chapter is about to open in my life...and I am just beyond blessed and SO excited about it!

When we moved to Jacksonville because of Tyler's new job....I still made the drive everyday to Birmingham for work. I was actually okay with it because for me {as crazy as this sounds} it still kept me connected to Birmingham....to my home. I was not ready to loose that connection of my life that I have had for 9 years! I was not ready to let go. I have loved my life in Birmingham. When I graduated from Auburn and moved to Birmingham all by myself....I was ready to take on the world!

 I remember being so excited when I went off to college....and then graduating and feeling sad about leaving Auburn, but the new chapter of life after college {being a "big" girl} was just the next chapter that I just could not wait for! While living in Birmingham.....I became so much! I became an independent woman, a contributor to society, a working business girl, a wife, a homeowner, a mother...the list goes on!

To be honest, I was not ready to let all of that "go"! It scared me. So...making the drive to Birmingham everyday...and seeing all the familiar places, shops etc....still made me feel like I was still apart of my "old life"....and I loved the feeling. The problem was....I didnt have the new connection with Jacksonville like I was wanting too. I just didnt feel like Jacksonville was my home....I didnt feel like I fit because my heart was still in Birmingham.

This is where I feel and see where God's hands were all over me. As I look back on events that have happened....I can see the puzzle pieces "fitting" to where God is telling me, Jacksonville is your home.. it is time to let the Birmingham Chapter of your life end.

I am so excited to say that I am now starting to feel more and more "connected" to Jacksonville. It has helped so much that we have been so blessed to have our beautiful home that we love to take bike rides and walks in the neighborhood. I am meeting friends and having dinners and cook~outs now! We have finally joined a Church here so now I have a Church family.

It is SO amazing to me to see how it worked out to get Tyler and I both in Jacksonville where we belong! Tyler originally didnt get the job he has now. When he first found out he didnt get it, we both said ....well, it wasnt in God's plan. That couldnt have been sooooo true! He needed to stay with me in Birmingham then, because I needed him since I was pregnant with Lily. Not to mention, he got to have the "upper hand" with "wheeling and dealing" to get what he wanted as far as salary etc when he was offered the job!
I was offered a new job at Cahaba that allowed me to make the drive I did {and not get home at "midnight"} as soon as I got back from maternity leave right when Tyler was offered the job in Jacksonville. If it wasnt for that, there was no way I would have been able to make the drive I did because "flex~time" is what helped me!

There have been things going on at work here lately...{as far as policy changes etc} that I have been feeling "pushed" to leave. Some may think I am crazy for saying this...but I feel God has been "pushing" me...telling me....it is time for you to leave Birmingham, it is time for you to go. I didnt want to listen to all of the "pushes" God was giving me at first.......but it was his time to tell me that it is time to go. I was told there was a job posting at Jacksonville that I should apply for. {God opened this door for me} Well, it was BY FAR the most difficult interview etc that I have ever had to do! But, I truly feel God was right there with me the whole time! I still am amazed at how well I feel I did during my presentation and interviews! The crazy thing about it though...was I was actually closed out from the position by HR stating I didnt meet minimum qualifications in the beginning! I about had a heart attack when I got that email! Luckily, it was a system error...and I am proud to say....................I GOT the job!!

I will be the Director of Clinical Services for the Nursing Department at JSU! I am SO excited and so thankful! God opened this door for me and my family and I just am still amazed at this opportunity! My first day is July 29th! I have 8 days of having to drive back and forth to Birmingham! :) OH yes, the countdown has started! :)

I am sad that the chapter of "Birmingham" in my life is closing...I will always treasure all the memories and "life experiences" I had in that chapter of my life....but I am truly excited and so blessed to start this next new chapter in my life here in Jacksonville and to continue to follow the path God has made for me....

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