Friday, July 19, 2013

Worn out!

Whew, this week is DONE! :) I have 1 week down.....and 1 to go as far as my last days at Cahaba! But, whew it has been a week! Getting back in the groove of having to get up and drive after having a week off last week has been horrible! :) But again......just one week left! Whooo hoo!!

Yesterday marked the last night of VBS at First Baptist Church of Saks with Nan. Alexis had a GREAT time, but it has worn her slap out! Between Summer Camp {with no naps anymore} and getting home late because of VBS.....she has been so tired! In fact....tonight BOTH girls were asleep at 6:00 pm!! {Yeah, I know....yall think they will be up SO early.........but OH dont worry, they would have been up early even if they went to bed late!...(I have NO idea why my girls cant sleep late!)}

Tyler and I just dont know what to do with ourselves on a Friday night at home with both girls asleep so early! We are FOR SURE enjoying the peace and quiet though! :) ..........with me doing some fun ole laundry too! :)

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