Sunday, April 6, 2014

2 little fish!!

We have had a great weekend...even though it rained some, was a little bit chilly and not a singe Turkey both Saturday or Sunday! :)

Daddy is winding down close to the end of Turkey season! I think he has shot all of them is the reason why he hasnt gotten one in a couple of days! He has had a great season so far and let me just tell you....he has been in Heaven! :)

There were no Softball games this weekend {even though we got our 'fix' Thursday night at the ball field! So, while Daddy Turkey hunted yesterday girls headed to the T~ball field to watch our main man Nick play his first game! He was adorable out there and his team did a really good job! Much...much...MUCH better than Alexis' team from when she played! There was not a singe 'tackle' the whole game unlike her games! :) After watching the game....I asked Alexis if she wanted to play again....and her answer......NO! She is for sure DONE with T~ball! :)

When we all got home...we headed down to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that followed by capping the night off with Sushi!

Today was filled with Church, lunch, and something Alexis specially requested....SWIMMING!! :)

She told Tyler yesterday that she was ready for it to be warm and sunny...and wanted to swim!! Sooo....since it is rainy and overcast....and not soo sooo warm....Tyler said "Lets head to the indoor pool!!" and.....that is what we did! The girls had a BLAST! I for sure have two little fish! They could have stayed in there all afternoon!! When it was finally time to head back....we finished off the night with a nap....and Daddy's famous grilled out hamburgers! A perfect weekend! :)

These two little girls thought it was funny to steal my chair and my blanket!! :)
Main man Nick!!
Alexis and Alexis enjoying the sunshine!
I dont know who manipulated who....Alexis getting Lily to sit in her lap by giving her one of her bracelets....or Lily pretending to only sit in Alexis' lap if Alexis gave her a bracelet!! :)
SOOO excited to go swimming!! Hey we can pretend that it is Summer time right!?!? :)

These girls were just TOO excited about eating at House of Chen and knowing they were going swimming next!!
Having fun!!
We switched Lily to a better 'floaty' and she swam and swam! She was telling me 'Hey Mommy...I am going swimming!!' :)

And...she did! She swam...and swam...and swam!

And this little fish did too!!
And when we got home....for about an hour...Lily walked around pushing her baby as she was Minnie Mouse! And I could not call her Lily...I had to call her Minnie Mouse when I needed her!
And this tired fish slept...snug as a bug in a ....bean bag! ha!

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