Sunday, April 13, 2014


Day 97!
Nothing sweeter than holding my baby while she holds hers................
Day 98
Highlight of the day...celebrating Brandi's birthday at Fuji!!  YUMM~O!!

Day 99
LOVE love LOVE to cuddle with Alexis and listen to her read!!

DAY 100!!!!
Nothing like hitting the Cupcake shop after going to the Dentist!! Yeah....we celebrated having healthy clean getting SUGAR! :) is DAY 100!!...we can do something super fun on the 100th day of the year!! :) 

Day 101
Game time!! Baseball field is where its at!!

Day 102
Trying to get a 'selfie' with these two is really hard!! But...this is what I got before Rio 2 started!!

Day 103
Church girls!!

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