Thursday, April 24, 2014

This little girl....

OOHHH....what am I going to do with this little girl!!.......

Every night {thank goodness I do this now that this event has happened!!} I go and check on Lily when Tyler and I put Alexis to bed.

I usually just have to cover Lily up good or move her 10,000 stuffed animals away from her know...things like that when I go in to check on her!.......


I go in to check on Lily...................

And she is not in her bed....................................

I look over..................


She is in the floor........

Sitting soooo happily........

COVERED in lotion!

She had three bottles of lotion perfectly aligned in front of her and was sitting behind them taking turns squirting each one of them all over her!!

LOTION everywhere................

Her hands had so much lotion on them that they were wrinkled like she had been in water for hours!!

OH me....

What am I going to do with this girl..................

{This picture does not do the 'lotion adventure' justice!! Lotion was everywhere! :)

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