Friday, April 4, 2014

These are the moments!

OOHHH time is just flying away with my little girl! I just stare in amazement everyday at her with how much she is just growing into a beautiful little girl, both inside and out!

Tonight was Alexis' very first Daddy~Daughter dance!!

Alexis has been SUPER excited about the Dance!! She had it in her head though....that her and her Daddy were going to be dancing like the dancers on Dancing with the Stars!!! OOHH that cracked me up when she told me that and said that she was nervous to get in front of the judges!! :)

I explained what a 'Dance' is...and Tyler showed her some of his 'dance moves' so she kind of got the picture of how it was going to be when they are at the actual 'dance'!!! OOHHH if only I could be a fly on the wall at the dance!! :)

They dressed in their 'Sunday' best and headed to Kittystone to dance the night away!!

Lily and I had 'Mommy~Lily' night while they were gone!! We enjoyed dancing and singing with Dora as we watched it! :) Once Lily was asleep...I waited on the two Dance birds to get back home while watching the movie Parent trap! :)

Such sweet memories!!!

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