Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday~ 2014!

He has risen! I hope my girls understand the true reason as to why we celebrate Easter! It isnt all just about Easter eggs and what the Easter Bunny brings! {Even though those things are fun!} :)

This morning the Easter Bunny stopped by our house and the girls were excited to see what things the Bunny left behind!

We cleaned up and headed to our Church for Easter service.  Once the service was over, we headed to Classic at Buckhorn to have lunch with Brandi and Pawpaw. Nan didnt get to join us because her sister is in the hospital so she was spending time with her.

Today was such a beautiful day for Easter!!

Some of my little home's Easter decorations! :)

Just some....of the Easter candy that we have!
Easter girls ready for Easter Sunday!
Finding some eggs while waiting on Daddy to go to Church!
My beautiful baby! :)
My beautiful big girl! :)
Pawpaw and his girls!
My little family!
The Law crew!

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