Monday, April 21, 2014


Day 104!
Enjoying special time with Lily while Sister is at dance! She was taking a break being a Princess and shopping! :)

Day 105
Highlight of the day....watching Lily very much enjoy a grape Popsicle {even with it 40 degrees outside!} :) 

Day 106
SUPER highlight!!! Watching Dancing with the Stars..........and watching Dancing with the Stars with Alexis and Lily just staring at the TV because it was Disney night!! They LOVED this night!!

Day 107 is sooo good sometimes to go back to my old 'stomping ground' and enjoy the day!! P.S. have I mentioned how I LOVE my job! Yeah, getting to eat lunch here before a big Children's Hospital meeting! 

Day 108
Highlight!!!...OH yeah, celebrating Daddy's birthday at Effinas!! He LOVED his dessert! :)
And..watching the girls enjoy their Easter baskets from Nan and Pawpaw!

Day 109
Getting to hang out with these crazy cats!!! :)

Day 110
Easter Sunday!! The girls seeing what the Easter Bunny dropped off!!

Day 111
Watching Alexis practice on the 'big stage' as she gets ready for her Dance recital coming up!! :)

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