Sunday, April 6, 2014


Day 90!
Nothing like starting the week off with a trampoline and a sucker! Highlight of my day....seeing the girl's 'trampoline static hair!!' :)

Day 91
'Spring Out!' Spring Out is a day towards the end of Spring Semester for our students! The students enjoy 'carnival' type food and games! They had a great time!

Day 92
Highlight of my day...this cutie telling me she has mastered winking!! 

Day 93
SOOOO SUPER proud of Alexis!! She came home with her very own 'You are a STAR" star! She received this at school because she got 10 'Soar cards!!' Soar cards are where you go above and beyond what you are supposed to do at school!! THIS WAS GREAT!!!...that she got this! So proud of my little STAR! :)

Day 94
Tear to my eye!! Their first Daddy~Daughter Dance!! SOOOO sweet! :)

Day 95
Will never guess where we are?!!? :) We 'racked up' for sure!! :)

Day 96
Nothing sweeter than watching these two little fish having soooo much fun!!

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