Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter~2014 Part 1

Yesterday was Daddy's birthday and what better way to spend it....why out on the boat, of course!

We had Easter with my side of the family and we also celebrated Tyler's birthday at Aunt Pam and Richard's new house on the water! I have to say...I LOVED their view of the water!! :) We cooked out, went boat riding, played with Easter eggs, iced cupcakes, hung out, sang happy birthday and ate cake and last but NOT to spend some time with Little Bunny 'Meggie Fu Fu!' :) Yep, that's right, Miss Easter Bunny made a special trip to see us again this year! All I can say is.....WAY TOO FUNNY with Meagan wearing that costume! It cracks me up every time I see her in it! :)

I want to go on a boat ride for my birthday like Tyler got to! ;)

Alexis' very first boat ride!! She begged to ride and so Richard got the boat ready...and we took off!! She laughed and smiled the WHOLE time we rode! She LOVED riding!
The Easter chick made its appearance again this year!!
There comes Little 'Meggie Fu Fu!!' Bunny hopping down the way!! Alexis kept laughing and saying that it was Meagan!! WAAAAYYYY TOOOOO funny!

Oh I laughed the entire time during this! Meg just cracks me up!!
Icing a TON of cupcakes!!

Easter baskets from Gran and Ben!

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