Sunday, April 13, 2014

Workin hard for your money!!

We have had a busy weekend! I am LOVING the Spring weather we have been having lately! The beautiful blue skies and sunny days are right up my alley!! :)

I have been on a mission this weekend to try and find Alexis a pageant dress. I have been around around the block but finally settled on one! I think she is going to be gorgeous and I cant wait to post pictures of her in it! :)

We headed to Gadsden yesterday real quick to check out a couple of stores and I was sooo disappointed with the lack of selection! But we made our time worth it by hanging out with Mrs. Kristi and watching Rio 2!! It was SUCH a cute movie and the girls loved it!!

We got back home just in time for the much needed afternoon nap to only head out once naps were over to eat dinner and head to the 'J Day' game! It was nice to go to the game...but I have to admit, I am no WAY near AT ALL ready for Football season or Fall/Winter, etc!! I am loving Softball/Baseball....Spring......Summer weather!! :)

This morning...we headed to Church. This Sunday is Palm Sunday! Next week is Easter! :) The girls had a little performance at Church this morning but due to 'technical' difficulties, the music wouldnt work so the kids couldnt sing.  :(

After Church Daddy put Alexis to work!! He told her that she needs to learn how to do 'chores'/work in order to make money to get things that you need/want! Sooooo....he explained to her what her 'chore' was and she headed outside to get started!! She was actually sooo excited to be doing her 'chore' until it was about 45 minutes later and the big basket still wasnt full like it was supposed to be!! Tyler had her out in the backyard picking up pine cones!!

Once she was finished and while Lily napped, we headed to Oxford to pick up her dress that I decided on and to Wal~Mart to pick out her special treat that she earned from picking up the pine cones!!
The girls loved riding the Carousel! 
Lily and her best friend Mrs. Kristi! She wouldnt leave her lap! :)
Lily waving and blowing kisses to Cocky at the 'J Day' game!
Ready for Church!!
Getting ready to walk down the aisle!
I told Alexis to go get her shoes on so she could head outside to start working. Well...........she comes in the kitchen wearing.......................  this!!!
Yep...she was ready to go work outside in her Church/dressy shoes!! I told her that she could not work in those shoes. That they were not the type shoes to work in. And....she goes {with a matter of fact voice} "Well...yes I can work in these Mommy!!" OOOHHH me...............
Sooo....once she got more appropriate shoes on..... and her Winter gloves because she didnt want the pine cones to hurt her hands...she was ready to start "Making the money!" :)
Look at that girl working hard!! :)
She worked sooo hard that it wore her out!
When we got home and all clean and was time to play with her new toy she was able to get because she had worked so hard!! :)

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