Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wordless Wednesday!

{That is a the way that she has on as a dress!} :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer lovin...Memorial day fun!

Well.....schoooools out for Summer! Memorial Day is the 'unofficial' mark of Summer! And I like it! :) I LOVE Summer! We have a jammed packed Summer and I am looking forward to every minute of it all! I can not wait! Starting next weekend....we have something going on everyday between pool days and vacations!!!

We kicked off our 'unofficial' Summer weekend by hitting the Community Center pool! It was SUCH a beautiful day!! Alexis and Lily were both in Heaven swimming! They are two little fish for sure! I really think Lily had a smile on her face the entire time we were there! {Literally!}

We headed to Aunt Pam's on Sunday for more fun in the water! Alexis kept yelling 'faster, faster' to Richard as he was driving the boat for all of us! We cooked out steaks and sat around by the water! It was soooo nice! Alexis and Lily ended up spending the night with Gran because Tyler and I headed to Terripan Creek in Piedmont with everybody on Memorial Day.

We floated down the creek all morning and afternoon! It was so nice and so fun! I really really enjoyed it! Tyler is in the process of trying to find us a 'cheap' canoe so we can have one for our own and go more often!

We ended our 1st 'unofficial' weekend of Summer by going to Nan and Pawpaw's to eat pork chops! We had a very busy...yet relaxing too, weekend! SOOOO nice! :)

1st pool trip of the Summer! WHOO HOOO!
LOVE! :)

Alexis was in shock that she had such big pieces! She LOVES watermelon!
Getting ready to 'ride the Creek!!'

Our ride! {A little different from the rest of the gang...but hey, it worked!}
Me...and the girls! So fun!! And.... alot of memories made!! :)
Taking a break to enjoy a picnic!
Ahhh.....sooooo niiiice!!! Just a crusin!!...................

Monday, May 26, 2014


Day 139
Enjoying a beautiful Monday afternoon of '1st Monday of no dance'....looking at my beautiful yard by my very talented Husband!
Day 140
End of the year program with this talented little girl!

Day 141
Gran's retired!

Day 142
Hanging out with this guy during the LCC dinner!

Day 143
Schoooools out for Summer! 1st day of Summer camp!

Day 144
Nothing like a Saturday afternoon relaxing after a full day of swimming with some watermelon!

Day 145
Ahh......boat riding!! 

Day 146
Hanging out with this crew!! So fun on a beautiful Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Big day for two!!

Two of our little family of four had a big day today!!

Today marked the last day of Kindergarten for Alexis!! OOhhhh.....bittersweet!! :)

Big day for Alexis! Last day!
Sweet sisters!! :)
Sooo beyond proud of Alexis and how well she has done throughout her first year of school! I can not say enough about how wonderful Ms. Pollard is and how much she has influenced Alexis so positively!! Alexis' last report card was EXCELLENT!! It even says....she has been promoted to 1st grade!! WHHOOOO HOOO!! :)
Her Diploma!!!
Such a smart little beautiful cookie!!
This was her first day of Kindergarten! Look how much she has grown! :) {Makes me want to cry!} :)

And for the other big day for member number 2! Tyler!! He had his Award banquet for completing Leadership Calhoun County! Soooo proud of him!! Him and the rest of the 'orange team' did such a great job tonight on their skit! Daddy can sing! :)
A big BIG thank you to Aunt Pam and Richard for keeping the girls while Tyler and I had a semi date night while enjoying the dinner! The girls enjoyed everything from dinner to riding bikes, playing outside and movies with them while we were out! It was so nice!

The ceremony was held at the Anniston County Club. Nan and Pawpaw were able to come and celebrate with us!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I walked these halls.......

Today was a special day! Alexis and Lily walked the halls of mine and Tyler's old 'stomping ground'!....good ole SHS!

Gran had a surprise retirement party at Saks High today and the girls and I went to surprise her! Lily cracked me up because she kept saying happy birthday to Gran! She thought it was her birthday party! :)

It was pretty neat to take the girls through the halls that I once walked when I was in school! It seems like so long ago to me! I enjoyed showing them around! I think they thought it was pretty cool! ;)

The Principal announced over the intercom that all the faculty needed to meet for a faculty meeting about graduation {since graduation is tomorrow night} so Gran didnt have a clue! She thought she was heading to a meeting!

To her surprise everyone was waiting to surprise her! It was a really nice tea! Glad us girls could come!


what is she going to be up to now that she is retired??......    :)

I walked these halls once where they stand.........

Home of the Saks Wildcats!
So sweet of the Wildcat staff to have this!

The group!
Aunt Pam and Gran!
Gran and the girls~ Retirement party~ 2014!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Winding down....

Well....I am saying this......Alexis has tomorrow and Thursday left of her Kindergarten year.


She is done with her first year.


I can't believe it.

But nope.

I am not going to be sad because hearing and seeing how excited she is to move on to be a 1st grader is just soooo sweet! :)


time slow down!

Alexis and Emory making their way in!!
Alexis' end of the year program today at school! They sang a TON of songs with a TON of hand motions! She did a great job! Singing and dancing is right up her alley! The girl is a natural!
Kittystone Elementary School's 2014 Kindergarten class! Watch out world! :)
Doing her thing!! :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Day 125
Last day of ballet practice Mondays for the rest of the year! Nothing like doing a little shopping and dinner after a great practice! {She wanted to model the lamps!!} :)

Day 126!
Graduation night for Lily! Highlight of my day was watching her up on stage!

Day 127
Ahhh.....nothing like just having your nice comfy blanket on a chilly night!
Day 128
Watching Lily be 'Ballet Minnie!!' :)

Day 129
Watching Alexis practice for the big recital the next day!!

Day 130
Alexis' third Ballet recital was wonderful!! She did SUCH a GREAT job!! :)

Day 131
Even though it was Mother's Day and I LOVE my little girls...highlight was hanging out with this guy too!

Day 132
Finally.... a beautiful warm sunny day........sooooooo nice with the top back!!

Day 133
JSU vs BAMA baseball game!! Nothing like relaxing in the outfield enjoying the beautiful afternoon! Soooo much fun!! {Even if Bama won!}
Day 134
Movie night in what I consider a 'whole other world'.....our basement! :) The girls LOVE to go down there and watch a movie...and have a ziplock bag full of treats! :)

Day 135
Vocabulary Parade day!!! Lily was excited...and she didnt even get to go which was probably a good thing because it was FREEZING! :)

Day 136
Soooo nice to have sunshine and NO rain for a day!! Even though it wasnt overly warm, it was still a great sunny day to hang out with these two little chicks and get somewhat of a suntan during field day!!

Day 137
I seriously dont know what happened to beautiful Spring time???? It is suppose to be almost Summer with it being the end of May....but for some crazy reason, Wintertime has come back!! MISERABLE!!! But...after having a cold dark rainy morning, somehow God decided to put things back to normal and give us a warm sunny beautiful afternoon!
 SOOOoooo...time for Tyler to start warming up his golf game since Golf League starts back up next week and I got to enjoy this view! :)

Day 138
Why not have two highlights in one day?!?!? My very first {and most favorite highlight} of the day was enjoying Daddy's famous pancakes! OH YUM!!
And second.....watching Alexis enjoy being with friends during her friend Nick's birthday party! :)