Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer lovin...Memorial day fun!

Well.....schoooools out for Summer! Memorial Day is the 'unofficial' mark of Summer! And I like it! :) I LOVE Summer! We have a jammed packed Summer and I am looking forward to every minute of it all! I can not wait! Starting next weekend....we have something going on everyday between pool days and vacations!!!

We kicked off our 'unofficial' Summer weekend by hitting the Community Center pool! It was SUCH a beautiful day!! Alexis and Lily were both in Heaven swimming! They are two little fish for sure! I really think Lily had a smile on her face the entire time we were there! {Literally!}

We headed to Aunt Pam's on Sunday for more fun in the water! Alexis kept yelling 'faster, faster' to Richard as he was driving the boat for all of us! We cooked out steaks and sat around by the water! It was soooo nice! Alexis and Lily ended up spending the night with Gran because Tyler and I headed to Terripan Creek in Piedmont with everybody on Memorial Day.

We floated down the creek all morning and afternoon! It was so nice and so fun! I really really enjoyed it! Tyler is in the process of trying to find us a 'cheap' canoe so we can have one for our own and go more often!

We ended our 1st 'unofficial' weekend of Summer by going to Nan and Pawpaw's to eat pork chops! We had a very busy...yet relaxing too, weekend! SOOOO nice! :)

1st pool trip of the Summer! WHOO HOOO!
LOVE! :)

Alexis was in shock that she had such big pieces! She LOVES watermelon!
Getting ready to 'ride the Creek!!'

Our ride! {A little different from the rest of the gang...but hey, it worked!}
Me...and the girls! So fun!! And.... alot of memories made!! :)
Taking a break to enjoy a picnic!
Ahhh.....sooooo niiiice!!! Just a crusin!!...................

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