Sunday, May 11, 2014

My view.......

My view for the first part of Mother's Day today was Tyler and I enjoying a beautiful day and bike ride! We hit the Ladiga Trail this morning for a nice ride! wore me out! :) We didnt trek to Piedmont this time, we decided to ride the other half and check out the views on the other end! Even though I was 'childless' for part of Mother's Day.....I value getting to spend quality time with Tyler. It is very rare and far between but I am very thankful to have the times that we do get together! :)

The girls spent the night with Gran since we were all together the night before because of the dance recital....soooooo....Tyler and I did enjoy sleeping in {which we NEVER do} and then getting up and hitting the trail!

We got the girls back just in time to meet Nan and Pawpaw for lunch and then the rest of the day was spent enjoying the day and watching Frozen!!! It has been a great Mother's Day! :)

I am sooooo thankful and blessed to be the Mommy of the two most beautiful, strong, determined, smart, hilarious, loving, little girls! My days are spent just racking my brain at how fast they are growing up! I treasure the memories we have made together and I just can not wait to see what many more memories will be made and having the opportunity to watch them grow more! I love you Alexis and Lily more than you will ever ever ever know!! :)

 My view for the morning!!       Love him!! :)

Ohhh...the honeysuckles smelled sooooo good and were everywhere! I loved it!! That was one of my most favorite childhood memories was picking honeysuckles! I would fill up a trash bag and try to sell them and lemonade! :)      Kids these days probably dont even know what a honeysuckle taste like ;) {Goodness, I just sounded really old!} :)
My sweet gifts from Alexis for Mother's Day! The flower to the right...actually smelled like a flower! Alexis said that Mrs. Pollard sprayed perfume on it! :)
I love seeing what Alexis wrote about me! Melts my heart!! gifts from Daddy/the girls.......and Lily!! Tyler got me a really nice Jessica Simpson purse and Lily decorated a flower pot and gave me flowers to grow!
This sweet poem from Lily and the picture of her hand! Not sure where her thumb went off to?!? :)

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