Saturday, May 17, 2014

OOhhhh.....paddle boatin....

The girls had a fun weekend with Aunt Pam and Richard! They spent Friday night with them and enjoyed staying up late, watching movies, playing, paddle boating, and playing outside! To say they had a great time was an under statement!!

Tyler and I enjoyed a great date night Friday with the highlight being Effinas! was SO good! We both cleaned out plates! {licked them clean!} :) We enjoyed today by having a huge breakfast at Romas and antiquing and thrift store shopping! {Yes, I know....we sound like 'old people!!'} :) We met Pam and Richard for dinner and got two WORN out girls back! We missed them, but I dont think they missed us! :)   They both hit the sack early because they have had such a fun day!

Aunt Pam and Richard...with the girls...enjoying some fun shopping and a 'wild ride!!' {If you think you see red on Alexis' is red face paint! She had her whole face painted during her field day! Pam said it took awhile to get it all off!} :)
oohhh oohhh ohhhh.... paddle boatin.....
Enjoying the beautiful afternoon!! Lily LOVED being out on the paddle boat!
And....two worn out little girls!!! :)

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