Friday, May 16, 2014

KSES Field day~ 2014!

Alexis had her very first Field day today! I remember LOVING field days at the end of each school year! We got to be outside and just play and play all day! What could be better! {As a child that is!} :)

I got to go and help out today during it and I have to say these kids have TOOOOOO much energy!! They played and played and threw balls, jumped, played kickball, volleyball, 'laid out to get a tan' then picked flowers, and so on and so on!

I asked this one little boy if he was really tired because he just played SO hard. He looked at me and said 'nope!' Good grief! Just watching him play made me tired! :)

I loved having the chance to see Alexis with her little friends having fun today! I wish it could have been a little warmer {I think Spring/Summer just has gone missing!!} but overall it was a beautiful blue skied day to be out celebrating the end of the year!!

The kiddos having so much fun!
Emory and Alexis!
Alexis, Emory, Caroline and Avi!
After they were done running around where I was...they headed up to do face painting and sand art! Thankfully my part was done after this...whew...but I did have to head back to work after though! :(

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