Thursday, May 15, 2014

A glimpse.....

WHEW!!!..... it has been a very very busy busy week! We are for sure living life to the fullest this week and it has been great! Despite today feeling like it was back winter time...that hasnt stopped us! :)

A glimpse into what we have been up to this week....we are nearing the Finale of American Idol so we are on the 'edge of our seats' about that in our house! :) Also, Alexis and Lily both are nearing the end of year at school! It is sad but true that Alexis' Kindergarten year is pretty much over! :(

We have been going all week and this little family is worn out! We have had baseball games, dinners, parades,field days, retirement parties and fun days galore! whew!!!..... :)

A couple of things we have been up to this week....

Vocabulary parade~2014! Alexis wanted to 'strike a pose Mommy!' {Not sure what she is doing with her hands!!} :)
Alexis' word was Shimmering!
Her cute little friends! Avi, Leeland, Caroline, Alexis and Emory!
Enjoying the parade!

And a little bit of this! I walked in the livingroom and saw this as they were watching TV before bedtime! Melts my heart!! Soooo sweet that they love each other like they do! :)

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