Sunday, May 4, 2014

And the wheels are off!

We have had a great weekend! It has made up for a not so good week. Now, dont get me wrong, it was a good week but you sometimes you can just chalk things up to not being the best of the best. The crud is clearing out of the Law house even though there are still a couple of coughs here and there, but overall we are all feeling better!! And next week......Alexis is going to have all smiley faces with no clips moved! ;)  {fingers are really crossed!!} :)

The first week of May has been beautiful! We have enjoyed being outside and have really enjoyed the beautiful weather!

My beautiful girls in blue....
We enjoyed First Baptist Church of Saks' Sunday afternoon gathering at Jacksonville Community Center with great food and blow ups before heading to ride bikes!!

Daddy and Daughter learning to ride!!
She rode and rode without her training wheels!! SOO proud of how well she did!!
I didnt take a picture of her riding by herself! :(  I know..........I am soo sad!! I did get it on video though! Next time she rides, I will get a picture!!  :)
This picture is SO sweet to me! They were taking a break from riding and having a chat! :)

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