Sunday, May 11, 2014

Year 3..

Yesterday marked year 3 for Alexis taking dance!! This year we were at yet another new dance company and I have to say this one was FAR..better than where she took last year!!

The theme of her dance performance was 'Happy birthday Princess!' The girls did SUCH a great job with their dance! Alexis did so well remembering all the dance moves...and even smiling during it too!!

Alexis has really loved dancing this year as well as having her 'very best friend' Carli in her class! They are a handful together...but they love being with each other! :) I love to hear their conversations together! They CRACK me up to say the least!

Alexis had her Dance Recital at the Oxford Performing Arts building. It was a really nice facility.

Nan, Pawpaw, Brandi, Aunt Pam, Richard, Ben and Gran all came to watch Alexis dance! We all enjoyed O'Charley's after to celebrate Mother's Day! YUMMM O!! :)

I can not wait to see Alexis continue to grow and grow with her dancing! She is so beautiful!! Also, I cant wait to see Lily dance! YEP, that is is time for her to start! :) Where has the time gone?!?! Next year should be interesting with getting them both to classes as well as Alexis cheering for football too! I really will be worn out! :)

Some of the 'tiny dancers' from Alexis' class!
Alexis, Carli and Avery!
My beautiful ballerina!

The big show!!

Laynee and Alexis at Rehearsal Friday night! Such sweet friends!!
The Law crew! Lily was cracking me up during this picture! She was 'striking a pose'...or trying to at least, by putting her hands on her hips!! :)
Gran and the girls!
TOOO funny! Alexis wanted Brandi's hair braided and then have hers braided to match Brandi's! Sooo...Aunt Pam braided both so they could be twins! :)
My little crew!! So proud of Alexis!!
Flashback to Alexis' dance recital last year! Goodness how time flies......

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