Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I walked these halls.......

Today was a special day! Alexis and Lily walked the halls of mine and Tyler's old 'stomping ground'!....good ole SHS!

Gran had a surprise retirement party at Saks High today and the girls and I went to surprise her! Lily cracked me up because she kept saying happy birthday to Gran! She thought it was her birthday party! :)

It was pretty neat to take the girls through the halls that I once walked when I was in school! It seems like so long ago to me! I enjoyed showing them around! I think they thought it was pretty cool! ;)

The Principal announced over the intercom that all the faculty needed to meet for a faculty meeting about graduation {since graduation is tomorrow night} so Gran didnt have a clue! She thought she was heading to a meeting!

To her surprise everyone was waiting to surprise her! It was a really nice tea! Glad us girls could come!


what is she going to be up to now that she is retired??......    :)

I walked these halls once where they stand.........

Home of the Saks Wildcats!
So sweet of the Wildcat staff to have this!

The group!
Aunt Pam and Gran!
Gran and the girls~ Retirement party~ 2014!

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