Thursday, May 22, 2014

Big day for two!!

Two of our little family of four had a big day today!!

Today marked the last day of Kindergarten for Alexis!! OOhhhh.....bittersweet!! :)

Big day for Alexis! Last day!
Sweet sisters!! :)
Sooo beyond proud of Alexis and how well she has done throughout her first year of school! I can not say enough about how wonderful Ms. Pollard is and how much she has influenced Alexis so positively!! Alexis' last report card was EXCELLENT!! It even says....she has been promoted to 1st grade!! WHHOOOO HOOO!! :)
Her Diploma!!!
Such a smart little beautiful cookie!!
This was her first day of Kindergarten! Look how much she has grown! :) {Makes me want to cry!} :)

And for the other big day for member number 2! Tyler!! He had his Award banquet for completing Leadership Calhoun County! Soooo proud of him!! Him and the rest of the 'orange team' did such a great job tonight on their skit! Daddy can sing! :)
A big BIG thank you to Aunt Pam and Richard for keeping the girls while Tyler and I had a semi date night while enjoying the dinner! The girls enjoyed everything from dinner to riding bikes, playing outside and movies with them while we were out! It was so nice!

The ceremony was held at the Anniston County Club. Nan and Pawpaw were able to come and celebrate with us!

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