Sunday, May 4, 2014


Day 118
Highlight of the day for me..... trying to get this chickadee to smile, and instead she shows me her food! :)
Day 119
BEYOND proud of Alexis! Though we had a not so great week with the "clips" at school, Alexis brought this home and she BLEW it out of the water!! Look at those scores! One smart cookie! :)

Day 120
Yet another sweet moment! Lip licking good....

Day 121
Got my hair done!

Day 122
High is Friday!!

Day 123
LOVED  seeing the looks on the girls faces when we went through the car wash to clean Daddy's truck! They both were not to sure about the experience! PRICELESS!!...

Day 124
Love this smile!!!...
She looked absolutely adorable with her hair in a pony tail!! My baby is getting too big!!

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