Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Lily's Graduation

Tonight Lily had her preschool's graduation! I TOTALLY didnt realize it was tonight but thank goodness the teacher's had a reminder note on the check out slip when I picked her up this afternoon!! I had it marked on my calendar as being next week!

Lily and her class did a great job! The theme was being a 'VIP!' They sang two songs on stage complete with hand motions! Lily cracked me up during it! She just kind of swayed to the music and stuck her tongue out the whole time! :)

I cant get over how fast time is flying for both Lily and Alexis! They are growing toooo fast!

Meet the VIPs of the 2 year old class! :)
My little VIP!
Lily mainly kept watching her friends during her performance!
The big group.....and some Man's head! ;)
This CRACKED me up! Out of now where...all of a sudden....the little boy beside Lily started bawling!!
Lily is looking at him like WHAT are you doing!!! :)
THEN....she started thinking if she needed to cry too! Luckily.............she didnt shed any tears! She did great! :)
After her performance....she deserved a cookie! :)

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