Sunday, November 30, 2014

End of the season ceremony!

Well....Thanksgiving break is coming to an end! We have had a great week out of work/school...even with a surgery being involved!!

We have had a beautiful weekend and suppose to have a beautiful week coming up too! The weather has just been great with 65 degree temps with blue skies!

Last night was the Iron bowl...and I have to say, Auburn played hard but Bama just had more power! Our defense is in the dumps this year, and thank goodness, the defensive coach was fired after the game last night!

We have some BIG weeks coming up with kicking off Christmas time! I LOVE this time of year! {Minus the cold weather!} :)

Today we had the end of the season ceremony for the 2014 football season! The girls were so excited about it! It was a great event to honor the girls!

We all got dressed up for a shopping and dinner trip to Oxford! We had to stop by Nan and Pawpaw's real quick and these two ditched us! So, Tyler and I had an impromptu date night! Some shopping, dinner and then The Hunger Games Part 1! It was win win for all of us! :)
Ella Jingle has made herself very comfortable around our house lately!
Sooo.....even though Auburn didnt win......we still can look good right!
Kicking off the first Sunday of Advent! My beautiful Alexis before Church!
My beautiful Lily before Church!
My girls love playing with Alexis! Lily was SOOO exicted to hold a trophy too! :)
So proud of her! She has done SUCH a great job during her 1st year as being a cheerleader! She has improved so much since the beginning!!
Above: Being her Mommy...........and her Coach!...a true blessing for me!!
Below: I love all of these girls! Being a Coach for the 1st time has been a learning curve, but overall it has been the best because of all these sweet girls!!!
Alexis, Sarai, Ashley, Dailyn, Lettie and Madison! {We missed Ellie, Caroline, Kylie and Imani!}

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Day 318
Baby it's cold outside!! It was extra cold on this Friday so we bundled up really well before going to school and work!

Day 319
Saturday...and date/movie night with this guy! :) Mexican...YUM!

Day 320
This smile and kitten.................super highlight!!
Day 321
Psych fashion disorder show! AKA...a bunch of crazy people!

Day 322
My sweet friends gave me...or I should say Tyler a 'survival' treat bag to help us prepare for my hernia surgery!

Day 323
Eating Thanksgiving lunch with this little turkey at her school! Love her!!

Day 324
Today was THE day! I had this surgery planned for 6 months {and really wanted to put it off more} but the time came for my surgery! It went alot better than I thought it was going to!! I didnt get to eat ALL at 4:30 in the afternoon, I finally got to eat...and Chick-fil-a was SO good!!

Day 325
More sweet co-workers came by the house to check on me and brought me a gift card to Java Jolt! Tyler and I had a 'date day' there a couple of days later {once I was feeling better!!} SO nice!!
Day 326
I literally laid around the house all day on this day looking at my Christmas decorating and watching a TON of HGTV shows!!
Day 327
Got the girls back! They were gone 3 nights so I could recover more from my surgery! SO happy to have these two back home!!
Day 328
Monday fun day for the girls! Alexis was out of school for Thanksgiving...but she went to Lily's school and played with her friends! They love playing with friends!
Day 329
Lily the Turkey! She was acting like a turkey in this picture! On this day she had her Thanksgiving party at her school! She had a TON of food...and a TON of fun!
She came home with this gem! She made a 'turkey' shirt!! :)

Day 330
We loaded up and had a family fun day! The girls got to talk with Santa and tell him what all they want for Christmas!!
Day 331
Happy Thanksgiving!! Love and so thankful for all of these girls!!

Friday, November 28, 2014

A 'Classicly, froggy Thanksgiving'!

We had a 'Classicly froggy Thanksgiving' this year! We kicked off our Thanksgiving by seeing that Ella Jingle decided to fly in!!

Lily was not impressed with Ella Jingle and wanted her to go back where she flew from!.....

But, we got ready and by then it was time for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! I LOVE this tradition of watching the parade!

We didnt get to watch all of the parade because we had to meet Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at Classic on Noble for Thanksgiving brunch. It was so good and didnt disappoint yet again! Once we were finished eating, we headed over the their house for a little while. Alexis and Lily helped Nan put some ornaments on her tree! {They love to help decorate! fighting over who will put their ornament and what seems to them to be the only limb on the tree!} {They cant seem to understand that they can space out their ornaments and not have them all just on the bottom limb!} :)

We headed home for rest time and to finish watching the parade before heading to Birmingham for Thanksgiving with my side.

We love hanging out with everyone! The girls were the center of the attention! {Which is not a surprise!} My girls are hilarious! They were making everyone laugh soooo hard as they played the game Old Maid, they sang Frozen, Let It Go! {beautifully!!} they played with LaLa's Nutcrackers! {That was soooooo funny! Lily was the same height as they were and Alexis and Lily kept moving the handles to open and close their mouths to make them 'talk', it was so funny watching them!} Alexis showed everyone how I had taught her the day before on how to dance the Macarena dance!! :) and then she showed everyone her favorite cheers {which were 'Go Bananas! and Pork Chop!!} I was laughing so hard! :) :)

We got home late and the girls slept all the way home! I would call it a great Thanksgiving!!

Welcome Ella Jingle!! So glad you are here!....Lily, though, is not so glad you are here! She said 'I not want Ella Jingle here, she needs to go back home!' {She doesnt want Ella Jingle telling Santa on her!} :)
Ella Jingle brought the girls a little gift...and a note telling them to be good and that she is watching! :)
Ella Jingle brought Alexis some writing pens and some lip gloss and she brought Lily some 'sparkly' body spray and lip gloss! As you can see in the next picture, Lily had lip gloss all over her face! :)
We cleaned up and headed to the Classic! So nice!
Love my sassy girl!!

Daddy ate frog legs!! {YUCK!!!}....did I say YUCK! Yep, I did! YUCK! {He did say they were good and that they do taste like chicken!!} :)
Sooo...Alexis wanted to eat frog legs too! See....she loves her frog legs also!! :)
Cant get these girls still for a second!! Oh me!!....
Helping Nan with the tree!
Home to relax and finish watching the parade!! Love it!
At LaLa's!! Game time and decorating the Christmas tree ornament time!!
And now...time to eat!! YUM!
This was the guys....yep, football on TV!!
And of course, this is the girls! We like to take pictures!!
Meg was a good babysitter downstairs! The girls were watching the Polar Express and using the foot massager!! Until Lily decided she wanted to watch Rudolph and therefore tried to get it out and broke the DVD! Oh me!!....
They cracked us up with these two Nutcrackers!!! Lily was the same height as them!! I didnt get a picture of Lily with them because she would NOT be still!! They were having so much fun making them 'talk!'

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day o' fun!

I love when my little family and I do fun and memorable things together!

Today was a perfect day! We had some ideas of things to do...but we had no time agenda and nothing set in stone! We just headed out together to just seize the day!

I did have my follow up doctor's appointment to have my stitches taken out. That didnt go to awful bad and I was in and out in no time!

Once we were done with my appointment, we headed back home but instead of going the 'normal' way, we went through Gadsden. We stopped in Trussville and had lunch and did some shopping!

We haven't eaten at Jim -n-Nicks in a long time...............and OH it was just as good as the last time we had been there!

Once we were done with Trussville, we headed on to Gadsden to the mall to see Santa and do a little more shopping!

The girls were THRILLED to get to talk to Santa! They actually told him pretty much everything that they thought of that they wanted. Lily kind of confused me by saying she wanted a pink school though! Hmmm...not sure where that came from??!!! :) :)       Miss sassy pants Alexis did mention after they were done talking with Santa that she did forget to tell him a couple of things..................but, that 'Mommy,it wont matter because Santa will bring it all anyways because I am super good and he will know what all I  missed telling him!' Hmmm....not sure about that either!.....I hope Santa can figure out what she is talking about. She did throw out a couple of things that she missed telling him such as sparkly fingernail polish and hand sanitizer! {My goodness my girls are obsessed with hand sanitizer!!} :) Soooo............

After the 'mission completed' by talking with Santa, we took the girls to The Factory! Alexis has been there before for birthday parties, but this was Lily's first time! They were SUPER excited about going! Sooo much fun!!

After was time to head home and relax the rest of the afternoon!............  ahhh...such a perfect day with my little family!...................
 These two girls devoured Jim-n-Nick's biscuits!! Oh my goodness they were hording them! It was hilarious! They both...including Tyler and I, LOVES these biscuits!! :) :) The waiter had to keep bringing us more!
 Nothing better than getting a fun balloon {color of your very own choice} once you get finished eating! Lily {as you can see in the picture} was just super excited about getting a balloon! {Oh the little things!!} :)
And here we are!! The much anticipated visit with Santa! I would call it a success!
FUN FUN FUN at The Factory!!
Look at that girl! Having sooo much fun!!
They loved that Daddy jumped with them!! {And, yeah that girl 'photo bombed' the picture!}
Ahhh.....such a fun day and now, hmmm.....yum....oh so good!...nice and cozy curled up with Christmas lights, a movie, hot cider and a relaxing candle! Perfection!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...even with 70 degree weather!

We have had a laid back kind of Thanksgiving break so far. I have been recouping from my hernia surgery that I had Thursday, so we have done much of nothing for the past several days except try and rest and recover!

I have been fine though considering! The craziest thing is that everything hurt besides my incision. My legs and the most my back. My throat hurt several days after the surgery because of the tubes in my throat. But...I am over the hump and much better and now I am hernia free! :)

The girls have had a blast though! They have bounced from Nan's, Aunt Pam's and Gran's while I have been needless to say, they have loved it! :)

We have to go tomorrow to get the stitches out and let the doc look me over and then we are going to do a little Christmas shopping and letting the girls talk to Santa! {They are dying to talk to him even though Tyler told them that he mailed off their list and that Santa isnt bringing anything else!} Yeah, crushing their dreams! :)

I have gotten my Christmas decorations up early since I knew I would be down for the count and not able to lift things for a while. We have really enjoyed having everything out early! It is nice to sit and relax and not have to worry about it  as I watch our neighbors, etc trying to get theirs up.

I love love love Christmas time even with the weather being in the 70s this week!! CRAZY!! But, at least it is beautiful 70 degree weather and not freezing or snow! I love Christmas but I do not love the cold!

I love all the lights and ornaments and just the Christmas feeling!! These pictures just dont do it justice! I love how our home turned out this year!!
Our living room tree!
Our living room mantle!
A little hallway decor! :)
Entrance going into our dining room!
I love my dining room table decor this year! The snowflakes are a perfect touch!
I absolutely LOVE past Santa pictures!! I have done this little tree of the girls each Christmas since they were born! I have stopped with Alexis because I wanted to do their first 5 years! Lily still has a little bit of catching up to do! I love to see how much they have changed each Christmas!
Dining room tree!!

Lily's little tree in her room!
And Alexis' tree in her room!